這天,一位怒氣沖沖又憂心忡忡的媽媽帶著神態自若的兒子衝進輔導房對著輔導師埋怨說: 「麻煩你跟他說說吧,他年紀尚輕,怎能說不上學就不上學呢?我已勸導他太多次了,再沒有辦法,請你來幫忙勸勸他吧!」
原文刊載於 眾新聞
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I am passionate to empower individuals to overcome personal obstacles to live their lives fully and purposefully; and revitalize couples and family to enhance their relationships. As a mother of two young children, I personally treasure and embrace the challenge of parenthood, and cherish to grow continuously in life.